「天下莫柔弱於水,而攻堅強者莫之能勝。以其無以易之,弱之勝強,柔之勝剛,天下莫不知,莫能行」。在男人與女人永無休止的追逐與爭戰中,榮格(Carl Gustav Jung)看到人類心靈無意識的渴望,他認為男、女在無意識中,有另一個性格潛藏在背後,他稱這心靈的投射與追逐是我們內在的Animus與Anima。這說明著人類無論是男性或女性,或剛或柔,潛意識下都有另一種相反的性格,如我們在面對生活環境裡的各種束縛與壓迫時,有人會以強硬、抵抗與不願屈服的”硬”態度來做公開面貌,卻遺忘了我們有協調、退讓、完善的一面。
The paradise underneath the horizont
A highly-revered ancient Chinese philosopher once said, ’’There is nothing in the world more soft and yielding than water, yet nothing can defeat the hard and strong, for they can neither change nor control it. Everyone knows that the soft overcomes the hard, and the weak overcomes the strong. However, no one is able to carry it out in practice.’’
In the never- ending frantic pursuit and wars between men and women, Carl Gustav Jung discovered the unconscious desire that lies in human being’s soul. He believes that there is another character lying in the unconscious of men or women; he refers to this as our inner Animus and Anima, which is a type of reflection and pursuit of our soul. This illustrates that no matter men or women, tough or tender, there is a completely different character lying in our unconscious. For instance, when we are confronted with all kinds of limitations, pressure and oppression in our lives, some people demonstrate an attitude of tough, resistance and never stepping back, leaving behind the fact that there are parts of ourselves featuring compromising, negotiating and consummation.